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    One who frequently looks back can nit go far.

    Everything will get better, what you should do is to believe that. 

    Someone said, my love, I just thought.

    No warm embrace, remember to wear clothes

    Let\\\\'s not fall in love,let\\\\'s fall asleep.

    No one and you.

    Where are you now

    l\\\\'m not monster

    do you like me

    yes,I miss you.But,I miss you.

    The first glance Heartbeat.

    Your name with my life.

    Nobody knows that I always loved you

    I am so in love with you.

    Very like you

    No one and you.

    It's not too late

    Glass is fragile heart

    Strawberry Generation

    Put you in my heart.

    see you my love

    Pack out really is worse than promiscuous

    Don’t regret anything that ever made you smile.

    Tough times do not last, but tough people do.

    I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards.

    [ - You are my lifelong lover.]

    Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag.

    ◆◇The sandglass remembers the time we lost。︶ ̄

    The tough road often leads to the top.

    Do not give me any of your heart

    I can do am not many, but you need time, I always.

    If equal affection cannot be,let the more loving be me.

    Happiness is,two pairs of eyes,see a future. 

    You give me Stop 

    I am me, a happy crazy, is not happy to keep quiet.

    I and you did not contact hope you do not mind

    Forget me 

    Sister is a lifetime lover

    Where there is life, there is hope.

    Happy birthday to me /

    Even if I am humble, also drunk

    When it has is lost, brave to give up.

    I love you until the end 

    Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth .

    l love you to the moon and back . 

    Strong woman is will cry, but never admit defeat.

    All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it. 

    The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor.

    The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook

    I hate anyone to force me to do anything

    A good night, and then stay up all night.

    I want to cross the dialog to give you a hug.

    please tried bravely to dam back tears.

    The love letter to myself.

    You are very attractive.

    I\\\\'m not good at is to retain. 

    He\\\\'s just not that into you 

    “Let me be brave again for you.”

    Time orbit we just one solitude of the subway

    Hedoesnot love you always give you hope

    In fact, there are a lot of feelings are about you

    Nobody knows that I always loved you

    With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.

    Every man has his hobby horse . 

    You are my hero.

    Only you, I see more and more like

    A boy can do everything for girl

    Wave of the fan

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