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  • Vim 101 Hacks( Ramesh Natarajan) 英文PDF_操作系统教程

    资源名称:Vim 101 Hacks( Ramesh Natarajan) 英文PDF

    If you are spending significant amount of your time on Unix or Linux environment, you may have to use Vi / Vim editor frequently. Mastering the Vim editor fundamentals and knowing how to use it effectively will instantly boost your productivity. 
    This book contains 101 Vim hacks (examples) that will help you to become fast and productive on the Vim editor. 
    All the hacks in this book are explained with appropriate Vim editor command examples that are crisp and easy to follow. 
    There are a lot of editors, most of which offer only modest functiоnality and little comfort. Well, all of these tools have their place, but a professional user needs professional tools. You have opted for Vim - a very good choice.


    Vim 101 Hacks( Ramesh Natarajan) 英文PDF_操作系统教程插图


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